Look what’s happening in Nigeria! Please join us in celebrating the newly founded BNI Consortium and the men and women of God, working together in unity from their respective Kingdom assignments. to bring the GOOD NEWS of the KINGDOM to their area of influence. They are the “Remnant Rising” made possible by the encouragement and support of our GTG donors.
Left: Obi & Victoria
Right two images: Crusade held at Uwa Street Community Sharing the love of God & Salvation message
Pastor Adebayo at Sapele Correction Center, minimum prison, presenting money for a medicdal treatment for the prison Chaplain diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.
The DCP and the Chief Medical personnel receiving money on behalf of the inmate for his surgery.

GoodNews and Bethel A meeting of the Gracious Sisters, A widow’s ministry

John Bull and Ruth Church outreach in Obiaruku, Nigeria
We are thankful for these faithful servants who are giving in the face of poverty and challenging times, to be an encouragement to God’s frontline Remnant Army. Well done, good and faithful ones!
Your GTGIM Family