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Extend International


It is GTGIM’s great honor to introduce our newest partnership with Extend International, our feature for the month of October – 2023

Greetings to our GTGIM family around the world,

We invite you to join us on our journey to Thailand as we introduce the heart behind Extend International, a non-profit organization currently based in Chiang Mai who wholistically serve those in Southeast Asia.

Meet the Lillie family – Joel, Janaya, and Kelly who are dedicated to the citizenry of Thailand with a compassion for their safety and for them to know and experience God’s love. Extend International’s vision is to facilitate the Church and its servant-leaders to evangelize, establish, equip, and extend the good news of God’s Kingdom to the nations.

From 1984 to 2010, Joel lived in Thailand (Kelly arrived in 1995) engaging in pioneering evangelism, Bible teaching, leadership training and Christian community development training in Thailand and the surrounding countries.

In 2010-2016, the Lillies deployed to Purdue University to share Christ’s love with international students.

In August 2016, Joel, Kelly and Janaya returned to Thailand, where they have been engaged in evangelism, leadership training, mentoring, coaching, consulting, teaching, preaching and development work.

Joel sharing the Gospel Message

One of the outreach opportunities of Extend International is their Koala Love Outreach Project in partnership with the Thai iServe Ministry Team, where they share Christ in practical ways outside of the church. They are Saving Lives and changing hearts through the distribution of motorcycle helmets and New Testament Bibles. The average deaths of children per year are 3,000 for those not wearing helmets. Only 7% of children wear helmets.

(L) Joel Lillie educating students on “Safety First”

(R) Outreach with iServe distributing helmets and Bibles at a police checkpoint

Our GTGIM family is grateful to come alongside Joel and Kelly and their Extend International team. They are committed to leaving a lasting legacy of generations of mature Christian’s worldwide by strengthening and equipping servant-leaders to proclaim the message of victory in Jesus Christ.

Kelly giving helmets & Bibles

All of the Lillie’s support through EI is received from churches and individuals who partner with them. We invite you to seek the Lord in the possibility of partnering with Extend International – both as a prayer warrior and as a financial supporter – and be a part of sharing the Gospel with those in Thailand and beyond.

For more information about Extend International and their other initiatives, we invite you to check out their website at:


Jim and Susan & your GTGIM family


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