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God is STILL in the Miracle Business


“Still other seed fell on good soil.  It came up, grew and produced a crop, some multiplying thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times.”

Mark 4:8 NIV

While sitting in a church service here in Lakeside Park, KY back in October, our pastor began giving a sermon on “multiplication”.  That word – multiplication – stuck with me.  That was THE word that the Lord had been placing on our hearts with regard to the upcoming fundraising opportunity at the ValMark Securities School of Life presentation in Orlando, FL.  We knew that He would be pleased to multiply donations beyond what anyone would expect, and boy, did He ever!  Glory to God, He is able to do immeasurably more than we could ever think or imagine.  The night of Jim’s presentation, we spent some time in our hotel room praying to the Lord beforehand, asking that He would multiply the donations received that evening by thirty, sixty, even a hundred fold.  What a good God we serve, that we can go so boldly to His throne and make such grand requests, with confident expectation that if it’s His will, it will be done!  He made it clear that Jim and I were to “prime the pump”.  If we were going to go before a group of 300+ people and ask them to contribute financially to something so near and dear to our hearts, we should get the ball rolling by making the first donation of the evening.

-Susan Corbett

Each year, ValMark Securities provides one nonprofit organization the chance to present their cause at the School of Life Event to hundreds of potential donors, and also matches dollar-for-dollar any gifts received through the ValMark Securities Global Gift Fund.  Jim Corbett, on behalf of Glory to God International Ministries, was selected for this opportunity for 2015.  Jim shared his firsthand account of life at the Camp for the Needy in Benin City, Nigeria, with the hopes of raising funds to send back to the camp for the children’s continued education.  The response from the donors that night was record breaking!  Never in the history of the School of Life Event had donations been made in such staggering numbers.  The Holy Spirit was clearly moving through the crowd of listeners, and before the evening was over, Jim and Sue’s prayer for multiplication had been answered – donations were received that multiplied the Corbetts initial contribution one hundred times!  Glory to God, He is STILL in the miracle business!  Check out the video below to hear Jim’s presentation:



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