The day started with a trip back to the Camp for the Needy, where, even though it was their day off, the 25 teachers employed at the camp came out to greet the GTGIM team.

With funds from GTGIM, the staff at the Camp for the Needy has been able to purchase Science lab equipment for the older children. The teachers were thrilled to show the GTGIM team the new equipment that will surely benefit the orphans as they prepare to transition to college.

The primary reason for this day’s visit was to assess an issue with the toilets and plumbing at the camp. As the number of displaced children continues to grow (upwards of 1600 now), the rudimentary toilets aren’t enough to maintain sanitary conditions. GTGIM was able to bring along John Bol, a dear friend of Jim and Sue’s, and the son of the chief of the Obanyator village, who is also the owner of a plumbing business in Nigeria. John will be assessing the situation at hand and looking into the most effective fix for the camp. Isn’t it amazing how God places all the right people in the right place at the right time? What an awesome God we serve!

After visiting the camp, the men made their way to the village of Obanyator, where a revival was being hosted for another village, Socoo. The people of the Socoo village have had the pleasure of seeing how God’s presence has grown in their sister village of Obanyator, and they are thirsty to hear the Good News. Another cola nut ceremony was had, and Bibles from the Gideon Internationals were handed out to the villagers while Jim and David shared the Word of God. The final gift of the night was a camera, given to the chief of the Obanyator village. What a wonderful day of bridging ministries together!
