“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ” Ephesians 1:3-4
Yesterday was a glorious day for Jim and Pastor David and our Nigerian GTGIM team. They all first went to visit Obi and Victoria’s church. The pastor of the church asked Jim to preach and specifically asked to only speak for about 20 minutes. Jim was very conscious of honoring his request so kept his message to 16 minutes. After Jim was finished the pastor walked to the pulpit and said “The last White American who visited our church was also asked to speak for only 20 minutes and his message lasted an hour and a half. This white American spoke only 16 minutes and said more than the other man did in 90. I have regained respect for American preachers and thank you for honoring us. Glory to God.
Jim and David had brought with them the beautiful cake the village people had made for them in the shape of the American flag. They wanted to share it with the people at Obi’s church. It was pictured in one of the photos from yesterday. That was no small gift to them as the village has no ovens. They had to go into the city to have that made for Jim and Pastor David. It is probably a 2 hour drive or so on dirt roads. I cannot even imagine the care that went into the transport of that cake. Nothing comes easy in Nigeria. The people were delighted to indulge and enjoy such a special treat. A sweet time for sure.
After their visit at Obi’s church Jim and David split up, Jim went to visit and speak at George and Beatrice’s church while Pastor David went to James and Rosemary’s church.
Afterwards they went back to their hotel where they had individual meetings with pastors and friends. Jim had brought with him a movie that is going to come out in American theaters in our area within a couple of weeks. I believe it is called Mully. It is a true story and testimony to the incredible faithfulness of our God when we truly give HIM our all. A true story of a young boy abandoned by his family and tribe who by the grace of God was brought into a strange woman’s home. She took him to church and years later he eventually received Christ as his savior and walked with HIM. He became one of the wealthiest men in Kenya then sold everything to care for orphans, and those destined to life on the streets. It is a story about the love of Christ and His heart and the riches of His glorious grace and love and HIS faithfulness to restore and redeem. I won’t ruin it by telling you the end.
How this got into our hands is an “only God” story involving Bernie Torrence and a divine encounter with someone here in Florida just weeks before Jim left. This movie, though taking place in Kenya, demonstrated exactly what message Jim’s team is bringing to Nigeria. Empowering Nigerian with the gifts God has already given them and the power of collaboration over competition.
Jim actually spoke with the producers of this movie who trusted Jim with a copy even before its premiere to bring and share with his GTGIM team here. Only God….
They watched the movie together last evening. None of them will ever be the same they said.. I know for sure Jim and I won’t be….. As tears stream down my face recalling it as I type this.
I so hope you all will look for this movie. It is to be shown for a limited time in only a couple of local theaters.
This is an off day for the team as they prepare for the Pastors conference tomorrow.
Today if you would please pray for them and those traveling and all the preparation, and protection especially from enemy interference. There have been a number of prophetic words given surrounding this conference. God has something incredibly significant in store no doubt. May it all be what HE desires it to be and may every seed of truth take root and grow each recipient into strong trees bearing fruit for the kingdom of God. All glory honor and praise be God’s forever and ever. May all our faith grow into trust. As John Schrock once said “Trust is the currency of the kingdom “.
Have a wonderfully blessed day. Susan
