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EPIC PILGRIMAGE Benin City – IDP Camp Visit and Pastor Peter’s Outreach Day

Welcome to the IDP Camp

Pictured from Left to Right- Camp Director, Bethal Amah, Goodnews Amah, Adebayo, Obi, John Bull, Ruth, Ruth’s Friend, Camp Director.

What a blessing for Jim to be back in Benin City and for God to open the door for him to visit the IDP (Internally Displaced People) camp for the purpose of nurturing relationships with Solomon and the staff.  The IDP camp buts up against the property of the new camp of Pastor Peter’s where Jim was scheduled to visit.  Only God!

Over 3,000 children, rescued from tragic circumstances, find shelter here.  We continually pray for Solomon, the staff, and children and are grateful for the lives clearly saved and supported by Solomon and the staff.  This was an opportunity to provide coaching in stewardship of GTGIM supported projects and the importance of taking care of what has been provided.  We love Solomon, his staff and children and will continue to pray for them.

“True spirituality that is pure in the eyes of our Father Godis to make a difference in the lives of the orphans and widowsin their troubles and to refuse to be corrupted by the world’s values.”…James 1:27 TPT

Jim blessed Pastor Solomon with a very fine large print Bible, donated by Pastor Philip Stutzman. The GTGIM team delivered two cases of beautiful teaching Bibles donated by Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, and supported by Mission 316, Sheldon and Tammy Mentzer.

Thank you, thank you to God’s giving Army. GTG!

We are so grateful for the generosity of our GTGIM friends who are compassionate in their support of the IDP Camp.  Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus to feed, clothe and educate every precious child who needs a hand up! 

Please continue to join us in prayer for Solomon, the staff and children of this IDP Camp in Benin City.  GTG!!

Welcome to Camp Beulah – Pastor Peter’s Outreach

This was GTGIM’s first time to visit the Beulah Camp.  Jim met Pastor Peter last October and learned Pastor Peter himself was abandoned as a child. This happens far more often than we can imagine. The desperate need for food and water and any provision is beyond what we in our culture can wrap our minds around.  We understand that money is needed but is not the answer.  Only God, through the love of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit can change hearts and these circumstances.  Sheldon and Tammy, friends of Jim and Susan’s, have been supporting Pastor Peter and his dream to provide a home for the abandoned and orphaned where they can live, go to school, and loved back to life!  Jimmy Swaggart Ministries generously donated Bibles to the camp.

The GTGIM Ambassadors tour Beulah Camp

The GTGIM team supports Pastor Peter’s Ministry and his dream to provide a home for the abandoned and orphaned.

We extend our deepest gratitude and thank you for your prayer support!


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