Knowing the WHO in WHOse we are = changed lives!
***Join Jim, Bryan and the consortium team for conference highlights***
LEFT: Pastor Ruth opened with powerful praise
RIGHT: Full house for praise and worship
LEFT: Rev James sets the tone for “Knowing the WHO in WHOse we are
RIGHT: Jim and Bryan with the Choir
LEFT: Lunch sponsored by Rose Mary Oyeyemi
RIGHT: Jim, Pastor & Mrs. Israel with Bryan
LEFT: Bryan closed the conference
RIGHT: Jim’s new best friend
LEFT: Everyone received a personal bag of rice
RIGHT: Final session of WHOSE Tour Conference
We are grateful for the BNI Consortium team who put on a world-class conference!
The Spirit of God moved mightily in wonderful prayer, anointed praise and preaching, relationships were renewed and refreshed!
Everyone left with a “Flow of Favor” and a “New Song” in their lungs! GTG!!!
THE LOVE OF CHRIST COMPELS US! Stay tuned—more to come!