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March 2018 Trip to Nigeria – Day 7

Look at the nations and watch— and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days, that you would not believe even if you were told.

Habakkuk 1:5 (NIV)

God is doing something amazing! Who would have thought such a powerful move of God would start in a prison – a Nigerian prison. But, it is happening in Sapele Prison located in Southern Nigeria.

Under the leadership of Pastor Adebayo Okonigbo, GTGIM sponsors vocational and ethics training programs in the prison. These programs in combination provide an opportunity for the inmates to be successful when released. To date, the vocational programs offered are laundry services, which recently added soap making, a barbershop, and cobbler (shoe repair) training. We are believing God to provide the funds to start a wood working program in the future.  These programs are transforming lives for the glory of God!

Check out the attached videos for a tour of the vocational training centers (be looking for something special in the barbershop), and don’t miss Jim’s interview with the DCP. Because the ethics training program is also offered to the guards and staff of the prison, God is doing miraculous things in their lives as well. Although the DCP is not a Christian, he acknowledges significant change is happening. We serve an awesome God!

Ethics training with prison guards and staff.



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