18th November, 2017
The meeting kicked off with an opening prayer and exhortation by Pastor Hope.
He preached powerfully to the entire congregation.
Mr. Obi later came up to great the widows and gave a brief welcoming speech on behalf of the president, Jim and the entire GTGIM team. He then invited Dr. Bernie.
Dr. Bernie started by extending greetings from his wife who also reaches out to widows in the church. He presented to the widows the body lotion that was a gift from those at his local church. He first opened one of the lotions and went round putting just a little on the palms of each of the widows. Oh! You needed to see the entire room electrified with shouts of joy from them as Bernie did that. Using the story of Mary and the alabaster box, he explained how this was precious and pleasing to God to see them happy.
It was such a beautiful moment seeing the widows rejoice over Bernie’s gesture of putting a bit of the body lotions on their palms.
The excitement soon changed to songs of praises to God for showing them love.
Soon after that, each widow was given a lotion each.
We then had a group picture.
Mr. Obi then came up stage to deliver a cash gift from GTGIM to the widows. They bursted into another round of rejoicing. They were so grateful for that. The cash donation was handled over to Mrs. Beatrice Anughora on behalf of the widows.
Dr. Bernie then came up and prayed for the widows and the meeting came to a close with a closing prayer by Pastor Hope.
We are truly so grateful for these gifts of love to these widows and know that for every heart and hands that give, God’s heart is not only pleased but His hands will also be outstretched to pour in unlimited harvest where these seeds have being taken from.
Glory to God.