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Nigeria 2017 – First Day in Benin City


“Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is to visit orphans and widows in their trouble and to keep oneself unspotted from the world” James 1:27

What a beautiful way to begin their time in Benin City. Their first stop was a visit to a widows center Benin City. Bethel, the wife of Pastor Good News, ministers to these women and asked if Jim would consider a visit there. In a nation that falls so short of kingdom honor, love, and respect toward women, making a widows center a priority in your agenda speaks volumes. Just your presence brings hope, encouragement and validation that they are not forgotten and God truly cares. I love how Jesus in HIS ministry so graciously and compassionately validated God’s heart towards women. It is with great joy GTGIM gave of time and provision to the widows there. For in Nigeria, widows are most often left uncared for with little hope of providing for themselves much less their children.

Bethel herself, called me personally yesterday to thank me for the blessing this was to them. The incredible depth of gratitude and appreciation moved me to tears. As much as abundance can be a blessing it can also blind us and callus our hearts to how most of the world really lives. It is so easy to take for granted the smallest gift. I was convicted and grateful. Truly the blessing of this mission trip is meant for us all.

All glory be God’s for HIS incredible blessing and glorious manifestation of His presence and love for the Village of Obanyator. The revival was truly a glorious time. Such joy and celebration in the presence of God. Adebayo, one of our original Nigerian pastor friends joined Jim and Pastor David in sharing God’s word and bringing 3 souls to Christ. One was a 10 year old boy, brought to his knees in surrender to Jesus. Jim said it was quite a moving experience. God’s goodness never ends. The village is prospering and thriving. Jim said there were babies everywhere.

It was only about 5 to 6 years ago when the village was ravished by kidnappers and caused many to flee and fear. After a revival several years ago it slowly began to build back up again. All glory be God’s.

Doesn’t it always amaze you how living in the kingdom of God is so opposite of how the world tells you to live? We get to celebrate each other and our individual successes together with no feeling of lack or competition toward each other. Such freedom in knowing God’s well never runs dry nor HIS love.

Here are a few pictures for yesterday’s visit to Obanyator. Praying your day is richly blessed in every way. May today God bless you with a divine experience that will draw you closer to HIM that you may know HIM more.

Blessings and love to all, Susan


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