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“Nigeria Yield Tour” Epic Pilgrimage


Dear Friends of Glory to God International Ministries (GTGIM),

Thank you for joining with us on our “Nigeria Yield Tour” Epic Pilgrimage.  May the Holy Spirit continue to guide you in your prayers for Jim and our Nigerian Ambassadors.

Jim arrived safely in Nigeria, and we believe God is speaking to our hearts that this Mission Trip begins a whole new chapter for GTGIM.  We are excited and grateful to God for opening doors of opportunity to birth new relationships with divine appointments to share the Gospel, support other ministries, and reap a harvest for the Kingdom of God.  Jim’s first assignment, Osaa Okwu Outreach, was made possible because of Kingdom seeds sown by Amelia, one of our Nigerian Ambassadors.  She has been sharing Kingdom principles and truths that have been implemented in Lagos and it is through this relationship, an invitation was extended to Jim (Oyibo) from the King of Osaa Okwu to visit the village.

Osaa Village Chiefs in front of palace with Team Osaa/Port Harcourt and Jim

Despite traveling delays and demonic pushback, God’s Assignment prevailed!  Because of your faithfulness to pray and the commitment from the GTGIM Team to yield to the Spirit of God, we embraced this acronym:  OSAA – “Only Savior’s Assignment Accepted (Acknowledged)!”

Because the journey to Osaa from Port Harcourt was unfamiliar territory for Jim, God was faithful in providing assurance that His Presence was with him through their driver, Arenzie, a very significant name to Jim and Susan.  They knew a young man named Arenzie in Benin City who is the adopted son of their dear friends and ambassadors, Obi and Victoria.  Obi was Jim’s anointed driver in Nigeria for over 20 years. How awesome that God brings additional confirmation of HIS presence through the meaning of his name!  Arenzie, a Nigerian name, means “Grace of God or “Going in the grace, wisdom, and power of God!” Jim and the Nigerian team were escorted to Osaa by the grace, wisdom, and power of God! Only God!

Jim sharing with the Osaa village chiefs

There was great celebration and dancing upon the team’s arrival and the elders asked Jim to teach and share.  They were a captive audience, hungry for God’s Word and filled with desire to seek truth and guidance in hopes to receive God’s blessings.  Jim taught on “YIELD-Give way to HIS Spirit,” the theme God had given him for the trip using the reference scriptures from James 3:14-18, Mark 8: 34-37 and James 4:7-10.

Upon Jim’s sharing, the Chiefs asked him to anoint them with oil so they could anoint and heal others.  He was also asked to anoint the babies and nursing mothers because the mortality rate is very high mostly due to the lack of nutrition.

Jim and the team anointing the special needs community for healing


They then went to a field where they had set up for a revival.  Now that is faith!  All the elders had left the palace to come and be there for the program and Jim shared from his heart through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.  Following the message, Jim prayed, they prayed, music began and in no time, there was a literal breakout of the Holy Spirit!  Dancing, singing, jumping, rejoicing, everyone young and old participated.  What a divine gift of God to this village, to GTGIM and Jim.  When it was time to return to Port Harcourt, Jim, and the team as they departed, were speechless because they had just experienced a most Holy, precious moment, there was a revival in that land and God was glorified.

OSAA Revival

What a privilege to be Guardians of Hope bringing love and hope to the people in this village to encourage, equip and enable them for Kingdom of God advancement through the power of the Holy Spirit.  What a privilege to partner with each of you, friends of GTGIM, for we share in the blessings and privilege of validating the people of this village with the love and compassion of Jesus Christ.  May they remember that they are not forgotten that our God sees and has compassion on them.  Behold, the goodness and faithfulness of our God.

Jim with nursing mothers at Osaa Maternity Home

Raising a Hallelujah with you, knowing God’s assignment, God’s purpose and God’s will went forth, not in man’s planned time, but God’s perfect timing all because of a team YIELDED.  All glory to God!

Stay tuned, more to come!

We are forever grateful,

Your GTGIM Team



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