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Prayer Meditation #98


January 13, 2018. 7:00-7:15 A.M. USA. NIGERIA 1:00-1:15 P.M. #98



“Once more Jesus addressed the crowd. He said, I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me will not be walking in the dark, but will have the Light which is Life.” (John.8:12; Amplified Bible)

2.D. He Came To Make Us See Our Three True Spiritual Names, That We May Bear Them. LEMUEL – BETHEL – EMMANUEL.

LEMUEL – God’s Own.

I am led to suggest that these series on our three true spiritual names that we are to understand and bear, under the topic, “The Lord Jesus Came As Light, To Make Us See”, should not be treated with levity, as Prayer Meditation. The aforesaid is due to the fact that our three true spiritual names, as spiritual beings from our spiritual heavenly Father on earth, is a revelation from the Holy Spirit, at this mid- night period of God’s agenda for His Church on earth. (Matthew.25:1-6-13)

Due to the fact that our eyes of understanding have been closed to our three true spiritual names, Lemuel, Bethel and Emmanuel, since Adam and Eve refused to function on earth as Lemuel, Bethel and Emmanuel, because of their spiritual ignorance and immaturity, the Lord Jesus came as Light to enable us see our three true spiritual names, that we may bear them, and be delivered from the power of darkness, that has given mankind the pseudonym “Ichabod”. (Isaiah.62:1-2; Revelation.2:17; 1Samuel.4:21-22)

What has been hidden from the eyes of men for millenniums, for which sake desolation of God’s glorious presence abound in creation, concerning our three true spiritual names, that reveals our identity, destiny and inheritance, is what the Lord Jesus came to make us see, as the Light of this world of darkness. The

aforementioned is also the pre-occupation of the Holy Spirit of the Father, and the Son, which ought to be our pre-occupation too. Encapsulated in our three true spiritual names, is the true and perfect solution to global crisis, when understood and believed.

PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father, help us not to live under the evil influence of the false religious spirit of assumption, which is foolish pride. (Jeremiah.50:31-32; Malachi.4:1-3; James.4:5-10) 2. Father, cause those who are called by your Name to discern, hate, fight and overcome the mindset of opposition, to the truth of your ownership of all men, and all things. (Romans.1:18-25; Colossians.1:16-20) 3. Father, in your mercy forgive and deliver us from influences responsible for our disbelieving, betraying and denying the truth of your ownership of our entirety. (Psalm.24:1) 4. Father, cause in your most excellent Name leaders in your Church, GTGIM, LaRed, GPS, GEI and all faith based bodies to see clearly, how our Lord Jesus humbly and sincerely acknowledged your ownership over his entirety, and lived as Lemuel – “God’s Own”, while on earth, and imitate Him. (Ephesians.5:1-2) 5. Father, in this new year, we ask that your government be established in all spheres of human endeavors, and that there shall be no end to the increase of the righteousness, peace and joy of same, in your wonderful Name. 6. In 2018, we expose every opposition to God’s Kingdom, visible and invisible, from within and without men, and in all realms in creation, to the axe, fire and whirlwind of the Lord of hosts. 7. Father, in your love encounter orphans, widows, destitutes, refuges, prison inmates, and all who need your miracles, to do what you alone can do in their lives, for your glory and in your Name.

In His Love, James Oyeyemi



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