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We have such exciting news to share with our GTGIM family worldwide as we celebrate the maiden edition facilitated by Margaret Wiwuga and her “Reconnect to Life Coaching and Mentoring Service” team as they extended an invitation to Youth and Teenagers in their community to experience Anti-Virus, a character education curriculum of ethics, values, and principles.  Prior to this invitation to the community, her team has been actively taking the Anti-Virus curriculum into Juvenile Detention Centers to bring transformation of mind and heart in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

Romans 12:2TPT: “Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.”

The invitation extended to the Port Harcourt community, is the same invitation we extend to you now.  We praise God for the open doors to their community and for the youth and teenagers that responded.  What a privilege for everyone associated with GTGIM to serve as a bridge to this ministry who serves and empowers others.

We love Margaret’s heart to effectively steward the resources of the Kingdom of God and her passion for youth.  It is thru her and her team’s desire to coach and mentor young people that she reached out to schools, which after three months, resulted in no responses even after follow-up.  She yielded and waited on the Lord to give her clarity and God answered with a directive to invite youth and teenagers to a venue.  She had complete peace with God’s answer and the process to make this a reality was birthed.  Hence, the invitation to youth and teenagers to attend the maiden edition of Ethics, Values and Principles which unfolded on April 8.  It’s not a coincidence the event was on the 8th (new beginnings – her team’s maiden edition to the community)!  Only God!

Pictured here is the “The Reconnect to Life, Coaching and Mentoring team getting ready to Launch Anti-Virus in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.  Mrs. Margaret Wiwuga is the Founder and has the support of a wonderful team including her husband (in the white pants, far left)

Margaret shares: “The beauty about this Launch is the step by step leading of the Lord, and all the favors He graciously lined up for each stage of the preparation.”

The first student class of Anti-Virus in Nigeria at Port Harcourt under the sponsorship of GTGIM and RCL, Coaching and Mentorship.  GTG!

Jim in reminiscing says: “It’s been 19 years and 43 Missions trips. God is allowing us for the first time, to witness a HARVEST, all grown by our Nigerian Ambassador and her team in Port Harcourt. I am so encouraged at this SILENT MIRACLE.  Thank you, Margaret Wiwuga, and all the RCL Team.  GTG!”


n behalf of our GTGIM family, we extend our deepest gratitude to Margaret and the Reconnect to Life Coaching and Mentoring team for their investment into these precious lives with the influence of the Kingdom through ethics, values, and principles.  It was such a rewarding experience for the team, they are ready to schedule another venue.  GTG!  Thank you for your continued prayers and support over every ministry that we are privileged to come alongside.

God bless each of you!   Jim, Susan and your GTGIM family



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