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REVIVAL IN OSAA- Knowing Christ in OSAA





Your GTGIM US and NIGERIA family invites you to share in our excitement as we unite in prayer with Pastor Amelia Madufuro and other anointed ministers at the “Knowing Christ in Osaa” Open-air Revival being held at the Osaa Market Square this weekend!  This revival was originally scheduled for the end of December and although the event was postponed, we know God’s timing is perfect!  We are believing for a powerful move of the Holy Spirit to bring transformation in the hearts of the people of Osaa and the surrounding villages to lay their idols at the altar and encounter Jesus.  May God’s Dunamis power ignite the flame of revival to bring about lasting change for the Glory of God.

According to 2 Corinthians 5:20-21 TPT “We are Ambassadors of the Anointed One who carry the message of Christ to the world, as though God were tenderly pleading with them directly through our lips.  So, we tenderly plead with you on Christ’s behalf, “Turn back to God and be reconciled to Him.”  (21) For God made the only one who did not know sin to become sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God through our union with Him.

In preparation for the Revival, Pastor Amelia gives advance notice of the first day of revival and invites the villagers to pray.

We are thankful for HIS deposits that will be made in earthen vessels of HIS Wisdom, Knowledge and Power and the opportunity to bring the KINGDOM answer to the pressures of life they are experiencing, that only comes through a personal relationship with Jesus!

May they know HIM, embrace HIM, and be forever changed as they choose to yield to the Spirit of God.

Psalm 37:5 TPT “Give God the right to direct your life, and as you trust HIM along the way, you’ll find he pulled it off perfectly.”

Encouragement received by Pastor Amelia from her GTGIM family prior to Open-Air Revival in Osaa:

“We want to encourage you that You are an Ambassador for Christ, His diplomatic agent of the highest rank sent to represent King Jesus in the Village of Osaa Ukwu and authorized to speak on his behalf.  You are the voice of heaven to the earth, invested with royal power through the name of Jesus and authority of His blood.  Our Way-maker goes before you to prepare the way.  No weapon formed against you shall prosper and the wrap-around presence of the Holy Spirit is with you.  Your GTGIM family is walking beside you and praying you through.”

Pastor Amelia and ministry team make a visit to the nursing mothers in advance of the Revival

Hebrews 13:16 “Don’t forget to do good and share what you have because God is pleased with these kinds of sacrifices.”

God is SO GOOD!  The Osaa Ukwu Revival will be kicked off with a 4-day revival in two separate rally points with over 200,000 villages expected over this 4-day open air REVIVAL all supported by a grant from GTGIM.  We have the privilege of sponsoring a “Medicine and Widows Station” to distribute needed materials.  Boxes of Bibles have been donated as well as multiple childcare items and transportation to bring special needs adults to all sessions.  The enemy tried to disrupt, but in return the KINGDOM gave us 4 days rather than two.

We are thankful for the seeds of opportunity that were planted on Jim’s last visit to Nigeria.  This Revival is the fruit of his visit when he accepted the invitation from the King of Osaa Ukwu to speak to his cabinet members at the palace.

We are grateful to each of you for coming alongside Sister Amelia and the Ministry Team with your prayer support as they yield to the Spirit of the Lord and carry out this Kingdom assignment.  We have a spirit of expectancy and look forward to the “Look what the Lord has done” testimonies that will be coming forth all to the Glory of God.   More pictures and updates of the Revival coming soon!

Uniting in prayer with you!

Your GTGIM family


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