GTGIM has a powerful mantle to Encourage, Equip and Enable God’s Remnant
Greetings to our GTGIM family,

The goal and mission of GTGIM is to serve ministries that serve Widows, Orphans, Prisoners and Sojourners.
This month, it is our pleasure to introduce our partnership with The Ropheka Connection.

The ROPHEKA Connection was founded in 2014 by Tim and Ginger Reed who had a passion to reach offenders at the prison where he worked for many years.
The word “ROPHEKA” means “the Eternal Who Heals.”
The Mission of The Ropheka Connection is to teach people who are hungry for more of God and His healing power, how they can grow in their walk with Christ, leading and discipling others.
“For I am the Lord who heals you.” Exodus 15:26
The Ropheka Connection is dedicated to reaching the incarcerated in Ohio prisons, sharing the truth of God's Word that brings freedom. The prison system in Ohio is where The Ropheka Connection began. They continue sending volunteers into prisons with life changing programming. The message of hope for those incarcerated is to present the path to wholeness that can only be found in Jesus Christ.
The love and respect that Tim and Ginger and those who serve with them have
for every prisoner as well as their community, creates an environment where positive change takes place. There are many testimonies of transformation that takes place. One testimony from Lancaster said it so well: “When you are incarcerated and have people who care, who don’t have to care, that’s what changes you and everything around you.”

Randy Davis writes: “I love this hat, not because I designed it, but because of the people it represents. Ropheka Connection ministers to inmates in the state prisons of Ohio. Not only do they minister in the prison, but also to the ex-inmates to help them transition back to society after they are released. These folks are truly living out Matthew 25. Thankful to Tim and Ginger Reed!
Statistics show there is a 25% reduction in prison violence and recidivism, when Faith- based initiatives are present.
Photos from the recent graduation celebration held by “The Community Connection Leadership Academy.”
For more information about The Ropheka Connection, we invite you to check out their website at:
Waao! What a timely divine connection. I believe that the Ropheka's Boat is divinely sent by God to meet the Kingdom's demands of this time "for the harvest is truly plentiful but the labourers are few" (Matt. 9:27). I also want to thank Tim and Ginger for the love of Christ at work in them and their team. The compassion which lead them to bear the burdens and labour with Joy for our king and His kingdom will surely be rewarded in due time. Again, I want to thank Jim, His wife Susan, Bernie Torrence and the entire team of GTG International Ministries for their unwavering commitments for God's kingdom. Always remember that our labor of love in the Lord is not…