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Prayer Meditation #89


November 11, 2017. 7:00-7:15 A.M. USA. NIGERIA 1:00-1:15 P.M. #89



“For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father {of Eternity}, Prince of peace.” (Isaiah.9:6; Amplified Bible)

For our utmost good, and that of our world, we believers in the Lord Jesus, have to be prepared to discern and divorce the strange Nabal’s nature of foolishness, that makes us to be satisfied with less than what our loving and gracious Father has given us believers through the birth of His Son on earth. We must heed the call of our Maker, Husband, Redeemer and Inheritance, to us his Bride, to repent of the sin of being satisfied with what cannot satisfy, and enable us fulfill our heavenly mandate on earth as his Bride and Army, destined to give birth to His fullness, and usher a new heaven and earth into our dying world.

The Lord Jesus included foolishness in his list of what defiles men, and makes men unworthy of the hallowed presence of God, who has given mankind HIMSELF (All) through giving us His Son, the Lord Jesus. (Mark.7:21, 22, 23). Remember the foolish virgins who failed to purchase oil for their lamps, when they were supposed to; it didn’t bother them that they had lamps that couldn’t make them see in darkness: their foolish non-challant attitude towards what is of utmost importance, made them unfit for union with their Bridegroom. They became unworthy of bearing the Name, dominion and glory of the KING of glory. (Matthew.25:1-13)

The Lord Jesus who is God’s Son that has been given to mankind, is the human personification of Wisdom; His Spirit of Wisdom cannot be married to the spirit of foolishness. Wisdom and foolishness are not related. All those who desire to inherit, experience and manifest on earth, what the Father has given to mankind through His Son, must be partakers of his wise heavenly nature, through genuine new birth. His glory is not for another, it is for those who are partakers of His nature.

Scripture References: (Revelation.3:14-18-20-22; 21:1-7, 8, 9-11; Proverbs.3:35, 13-18; 4:5-9; 8:17-21; Isaiah.42:8; John.3:1-6-8; 17:22-26; 1Corinthians.15:21-26, 45-49; 2Peter.1:2-4; Romans.8:16-18, 19-24, 25-30-32)

PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father, help us not to be satisfied with what is less than what you have given us through the birth of your Son. 2. Father, help us to see clearly our mandate, as your Bride and Army, for which sake you gave us your “All” through the birth of your Son. 3. Father, help us to discern, hate and overcome the spirit of foolishness militating against our becoming your Bride. 4. Father, cause the leaders in your Church and all faith based Ministries, to see clearly that your fullness that you have given to mankind through the birth of your Son, is what we should desire and seek for most, not vanity. (Psalm.24:1-4-10; Ephesians.1:17-23) 5. Father, let there be an awakening that shall make the saints, to see, desire, and seek diligently to have what you have given mankind through the birth of your Son, that we are to bless humanity and creation with, for the establishment of your Kingdom of peace, righteousness and joy.

In His Love, James Oyeyemi.


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